The Native people call God "Creator". They worship him for the beauty of the earth and all that He has given them through it. They recognize that the earth is alive. It lives and breathes and moves. One of our great community friends has shared with us some wisdom about the earth which I would love to pass on to you.
The Creator has given us everything we need through the earth. You can heal so many things and find medicines in plants and flowers. Brewing sage for arthritis and using dandelions and a number of other things to make you feel better!!
Everything is alive. When you cut down a tree for Christmas or flowers for your home, you are taking something that is alive. You should carefully consider when it is appropriate to take from the earth and when it isn't necessary. When Natives take from the earth, they give back. They offer tobacco (which is very sacred to their culture) back to the earth in exchange for what they have taken, realizing that they have taken life for their own purposes and this is not something to take flippantly.
God is in everything. He is in the animals. Watch the animals, they will tell you things. When horses are jumpy and running....a storm is coming. Watch the beaver....see where he makes his house. If he makes it close to the shore or far away...this will tell you what kind of winter you will have that year. If a bird flies in front of you...especially while driving, be aware. The bird is warning you that something is coming ahead and you should slow down.
You can choose to believe what you want to believe, but God is in everything. He is everywhere. So why don't we pay attention to the animals, to the plants and the trees and the earth??
Being in this beautiful place with places that have been untainted by human progress has touched me. The mountains are massive and overwhelmingly speak of strength, but then on the side of this same solid mountain are streams and waterfalls and bunches of yellow wild flowers. The lakes are crystal clear and unpolluted. I have never seen such beautiful sunsets and sunrises.
The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it.
Psalm 24:1
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