Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We have arrived.

We’re Here! We stopped and spent the night at the Crow Reservation site on our way to Montana and being in that community gave me a little glimpse into where we were heading and made me super pumped to get here. It is gorgeous. We are surrounded by mountains and green fields that stretch on and on.
So far we have met a bunch of community members…we survived our first confrontation by a few who don’t really want us here…. we were prayed for by the most wonderful pastor and his wife…and we were welcomed with open arms by many.
We played basketball with a bunch of community kids…one very naughty one that threw rocks at us. During this basketball game….we got a little rowdy and Chuck plowed me over while I was making a move for the ball, resulting in a skinned up elbow. Yay for my first Youthworks battle wound.
Today a bunch of teens raced by our window on horseback, parked their horses at the school for the eighth grade graduation and then left the same way. This is how transportation should truly be. And if you know me well…you know that I am 100% serious.
It is cold. We unloaded our shed (which was the epitome of disorganization) in hats and gloves. I am already dreaming of glorious plans to organize, label, and store our supplies at the end of the year so that next summer the Blackfeet staff will open the shed doors and to the glorious wonders of an organized supply system! I realize my excitement about this makes me a dork…but it is the truth.
Finally: I love it here. Praise Jesus for the amazing Blackfeet Nation….their perseverance through all the atrocities they have faced throughout history…their beautiful culture and warmth….their excitement and hospitality.

1 comment:

  1. molly..
    you need to get a little competitive. i know that is hard for you, but if you are going to be playing basketball all the time it has to be done. i'll be praying for that.
    And..for all those other prayer requests. It sounds and looks amazing, molly. It seems you have already been changed by the Lord and you are going to see his redemptive work the next few months
